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Author Interview

Girl Power Collection

Next up to get to know is Jess Bryant.

Her contribution to the Girl Power Romance Collection is GIRL CODE, due to release to your kindles and KindleUnlimited on 01.24.2020.

How many books have you written?

- Written? A hundred or so. Published? About 15?

When did you start writing?

- As soon as I learned my ABC’s

What made you attempt to become an author?

- I read a book by Vivian Arend, the first in her Six Pack Ranch series, and it felt real in a way that spoke to me as a small town girl. I thought to myself... I can write like that.

Who is an author you admire?

- Every single author that has the courage to hit publish. To be specific, I love the girls that make up Kit Rocha. They created this whole new genre of post apocalyptic romance. A world where love in all its amazing forms Is welcome and embraced.

Where do you book ideas come from?

- Sometimes they come from stories I’ve heard from friends, or a random scene in a tv show, and sometimes, like with the Fated Mates Duet, they come from a dream.

What's your favorite character you've created?

- Lemon Kelly. All of my characters have pieces of me in them but Lemon is somehow the most and the least like me at the same time. She’s all heart.

She’s impulsive and she doesn’t look before she leaps. I’m the total opposite and I admire that about her so much.

Explain your creative process when you start a new book.

- Once I get an idea the first thing I do is spin it into a rough blurb. That way I know where I want the story to go. Once I have the blurb I outline chapters. It’s all very rough and oftentimes by the time I get to some of the later chapters the outline doesn’t match what the characters need anymore but it’s still my process. I can’t just start typing chapter one from a blank page.

Is your book life a secret? Do you have support from family and friends?

- Not at all. I use my real name and not a pen name so it was never something I hid. It took some time for my family to

Come Around to it but now they’re my biggest cheerleaders.

Does your significant other help with research ;)

- I am not married. I’m divorced actually. So no, I don’t have research assistance. Just a big imagination lol

If you could give a helpful hint to a new indie author, what would that be?

- Don’t give up. Being an indie author is hard. There’s no step by step guide for success or any guarantees so you better be in it bc you love it and if you love it, you don’t ever quit.

Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?

- I don’t have either where I live in my super small town but if I did I’d joke it was a Starbucks.

What's your favorite type of ice cream?

I don’t eat ice cream usually but if it’s 110 and I’m at the lake I’ll get mint chocolate chip.

What's your description of you ideal guy?(dream book boyfriend)

- It changes a lot if we are talking looks but all the major traits stay the same. He’s a grown ass man. He’s an adult with a job and a house and a plan. He’s not a womanizer or a player. He’s ready to settle down. He’s loyal and kind and understanding. He understands consent. He has a sense of humor but not at the expense of others. He’s a dog man but loves all animals. He’s a gentlemen in the streets but a freak in the sheets.


Coffee or tea?


Pizza or tacos?


Early bird or night owl?

Permanently exhausted pigeon

Perfect vacation?

Sun, sand and clear blue water.

One item on your bucket list.

Write a psychological thriller

Make sure you PREORDER your copy of Girl Code today! CLICK HERE

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