Today's author interview is with the ever so talented A.M. Williams, she's releasing in under a week and you guys are going to love her story!
Let's get to know her a little bit, shall we?
What is a book that you didn’t expect to like, but you did?
Untouchable by Sam Mariano. It was one of the first dark romance/bully romance books I read and I ended up loving it so much. It’s so well written, the characters are so well developed, and it’s just all around enjoyable. It's in my re-read pile and I've already reread it once.
What is a book that you can/have read over and over again?
This is actually hard for me to answer because I really don’t like rereading books. However, I can almost always reread Pride and Prejudice. It’s one of the first books I enjoyed enough to want to pick up and read again and again.
What is your favorite read of last year?
Probably Untouchable again. It’s just that good.
Do you have a library card?
Oh, yes. I actually won the reading challenge at my library this past summer…with over 15k minutes read.
What is your favorite childhood book?
You know, I’m not sure I have one. This is weird because I’m an avid reader. But there isn’t a book that I loved as a child that I remember constantly rereading.
If you could meet any author, alive or dead… who would it be?
Jane Austen. I didn’t even have to think about that. Ha! I love her writing. I love her books. I took a class on her in college, that’s how much I love her stuff.
Do you have any bad book habits?
I don’t think so. I don’t like dog-earring books or anything like that. I also don’t like writing in them. So maybe it’s just that I read too much?
What is your Girl Power Story about?
It’s about professional soccer coach Pru Sheridan and the ex-pro-soccer player Dax Stephans that joins her coaching staff. He’s a little (okay, a lot) cocky and created some chaos in her world. Of course…there’s some love in there and there’s a happily ever after at the end.