Q. What is a book that you didn’t expect to like, but you did?
I’m not sure there are any. My TBR is overflowing with books I want to read, so I don’t have time to read books that I expect to dislike.
Q. What is a book that you can/have read over and over again?
Anything by Kristen Ashley! I’ve read most of her books more than once.
Q. What is your favorite read of last year?
Oh my gosh, so many! If we’re limiting it to new releases of 2019, the first one that comes to mind is War by Laura Thalassa. But I also devoured Kerrigan Byrne’s Victorian Rebels series last summer, and I’m officially obsessed with her now.
Q. Do you have a library card?
I have two. One for my local library (which is quite small) and one for the Philadelphia Free Library, which I use to borrow via the Overdrive app.
Q. What is your favorite childhood book?
I actually started reading my mom’s Harlequin romances around age 10 or 11, so I don’t have an age-appropriate answer to this. LOL Harlequins of the 70s and 80s were totally my jam, though.
Q. If you could meet any author, alive or dead… who would it be?
Again, so many! But we can start with Kristen Ashley. Or, okay, Lucy Score.
Q. Do you have any bad book habits?
I have many bad habits, but none of them are book-related. I don’t tend to read a lot of paperbacks, so I don’t do things like dog-earing pages or creasing spines, etc. I will, however, download books and then not read them for several weeks or months.
Q. What is your Girl Power Story about?
Being a badass woman in a man’s world. Marni is a truck driver, driving the equipment truck for a rock band. The band’s bassist, Brick, delights in pushing her buttons, and she secretly delights in letting him. There’s also an accidental pet squirrel. You’ll have to read it to find out how that came about.